
Process Skill Student Success Project

In the Process Skill Student Success Project I and my co-researcher, Dr. Heather Wilson-Ashworth, measured process skill development using the SALG survey. Over four semesters we measured process skill acquisition in first semester general chemistry and introductory biology classes. Some sections used active learning methods (POGIL) and some used traditional lecture methods. We explored the relationship between student success and process skill acquisition. This work is contained in a manuscript currently submitted to CBE-Life Sciences Education. The general findings were that (1) process skill acquisition positively correlates with student success regardless of classroom pedagogy and (2) active learning methods positively correlated with process skill acquisition. We used structural equation modelling to develop a model a Process Skill Success (PSS) model. The following undergraduate students contributed to this project: Victor Warr and Caleb Russell.

Dr. Wilson-Ashworth and I are currently setting up a follow-up study to take place at several other campuses across the United States to test the robustness of the PSS Model, pictured below:.

Mindset Success

The Mindset Success Project is headed by my co-researcher Dr. Heather Wilson-Ashworth. In this project we measured various student affects such as faculty-student distance and self-efficacy, and student motivations using the MSLQ survey and the Micari survey. These measurements were made over four semesters in first semester general chemistry classes and introductory biology classes; some sections used active learning methods (POGIL) and some sections used traditional lecture methods. This work is currently being written into a manuscript. A model for student success is being developed.

Active Learning Census

The Active Learning Census is a project designed to take a “snapshot” of classroom practices in the College of Science at UVU this fall (2019). I am performing this study with my co-researcher Dr. Heather Wilson-Ashworth. This study is particularly of interest because, also this fall, every student, in every class, will be completing a survey (tacked onto their SRI survey) that asks what classroom methods were used in the class. Assembling this data together will allow, for the first time, a measure for how accurately students perceive classroom pedagogical methods.

Biology Student Research Cohort

The biology department received an NSF grant funding scholarships for a cohort of students that will engage in undergraduate research. As part of this study, headed by my co-researcher Dr. Heather Wilson-Ashworth, we will use measures we are already familiar with to measure mindsets and student motivations longitudinally as these students progress through their biology major.

Psychology and POGIL

This project is headed by my colleagues in the Behavioral Science Department, Drs. Jesse Hill and Claudia Lieberwirth. These two faculty have been learning POGIL and transforming their classes. They have worked to measure the effects of this transformation.

Teamwork Research

In this work my co-researcher, Dr. Heather Wilson-Ashworth and I have used CATME to measure teamwork skills. We are relating these survey findings to student success.