“Which Group Dynamics Matter: Social Predictors of Student Achievement in Team-Based Undergraduate Science Classrooms.” CBE—Life Sciences Education, 21(3), ar51 (2022).
My presentations
“Exploratory Research on Science Belonging in Gateway POGIL Classes” Biennial Conference on Chemical Education 2024, 28 July 2024.
“The OPTIC tool for classroom observation” NCAPP July 2023.
“Group dynamics matter: Social predictors of student success in undergraduate POGIL classrooms” American Chemical Society National Meeting, Spring 2020 (canceled due to COVID).
“Process Skills are Predictive of Student Success.” American Chemical Society National Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2 April 2019.
“Students POGIL their way to retention and completion.” First Annual Teaching For Learning Conference, Orem, UT, 2017.
“Increasing student success: The POGIL way.” First Annual Teaching for Learning Conference, Orem, UT, 2017.
“Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning.” SABER West Meeting. University of California-Irvine. January 14-15 (2017).
“Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) and Student Writing.” Communications across the Curriculum workshop, UVSC, Spring 2004.
Mentored Student Posters and Presentations
“POGIL Promotes Problem Solving Skills.” SABER West Meeting. University of California-Irvine. January 14-15 (2017). Tyler Zulauf
“A Proposed Mechanism for Increased Student Success in a POGIL Classroom.” SABER West Meeting. University of California-Irvine. January 14-15 (2017). Victor Warr
“The Value of Self-Efficacy, the Student-Faculty Relationship, and Perceived Learning Gains in Student Success.” SABER West Meeting. University of California-Irvine. January 14-15 (2017). Dallin Ollerton
“Using the development of problem-solving and teamwork skills as predictors of student retention and course completion in science courses.” UCUR 2016, Preston Stratford
“Does POGIL promote problem-solving and teamwork skills?” American Chemical Society 252nd Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (2016). Preston Stratford