Curriculum Vitae

Educational Record

  • Lawrence University (Appleton, WI) 1988-1993
    • B.A. Chemistry cum laude
    • B.Music Music Performance–Bassoon cum laude
  • University of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia, PA) 1993-1997
  • University of Chicago (Chicago, IL) 1997-2002
    • Ph.D. (Advisor: Dr. Norbert Scherer)

Professional Experience

  • Luther College (Decorah, IA) 2000-2001
    • Visiting Assistant Professor
  • Bucknell University (Lewisburg, PA) 2001-2002
    • Visiting Assistant Professor
  • Utah Valley University (Orem, UT) 2002-2008
    • Assistant Professor
  • Utah Valley University (Orem, UT) 2009-present
    • Associate Professor

Courses Taught

  • GOB Chemistry
    • both semesters, classroom and lab
  • General Chemistry
    • both semesters, classroom and lab
    • both “atoms first” and traditional
  • Physical Chemistry
    • all three semesters, classroom and lab
    • both quantum first and thermo first
  • Environmental Chemistry, classroom
  • Energy Use on Earth, classroom

Research Presentations and Posters (Highlights)

  • “Process Skills are Predictive of Student Success.” American Chemical Society National Meeting, Orlando, FL, 2 April 2019.
  • “Students POGIL their way to retention and completion.” First Annual Teaching For Learning Conference, Orem, UT, 2017.
  • “Increasing student success: The POGIL way.” First Annual Teaching for Learning Conference, Orem, UT, 2017.
  • “Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning.” SABER West Meeting. University of California-Irvine. January 14-15 (2017).
  • Poster: “Novel Laser System for Ultrafast Spectroscopy.” Proceedings of SPIE: Laser Techniques for Condensed-Phase and Bioogical Systems. Vol. 3273. Pp.276-284.  Ed. Norbert F. Scherer, Janice Hicks. SPIE (1998).
  • “Preparing guided inquiry materials: Expanding the concept of data.” Symposium title: Learning Centered Approaches across the Curriculum. American Chemical Society 229th National Meeting, San Diego, CA March 13-15 (2005).
  • “Calibrated Peer Review (CPR) and Student Writing.” Communications across the Curriculum workshop, UVSC, Spring 2004.


“Process Skill Development is Predictive of Student Success in Introductory STEM Courses”, submitted to CBE-Life Sciences Education, 2019.

General Chemistry Laboratory, Fountainhead Press, 2007.

“Gain-Switched, All-Acousto-Optic Femtosecond Pulse Amplifier” Review of Scientific Instruments 74(11), pp.4961-4963. (2003)

“Femtosecond Studies of the Initial Events in the Photocycle of Photoactive Yellow Protein (PYP).” Femtochemistry. pp.381-390. Wiley VCH (2001).

“Novel Laser System for Ultrafast Spectroscopy.” Proceedings of SPIE: Laser Techniques for Condensed-Phase and Bioogical Systems. Vol. 3273. Pp.276-284.  Ed. Norbert F. Scherer, Janice Hicks. SPIE (1998).

Mentored Student Presentations and Posters (Highlights)

  • “POGIL Promotes Problem Solving Skills.” SABER West Meeting. University of California-Irvine. January 14-15 (2017). Tyler Zulauf
  • “A Proposed Mechanism for Increased Student Success in a POGIL Classroom.” SABER West Meeting. University of California-Irvine. January 14-15 (2017). Victor Warr
  • “The Value of Self-Efficacy, the Student-Faculty Relationship, and Perceived Learning Gains in Student Success.” SABER West Meeting. University of California-Irvine. January 14-15 (2017). Dallin Ollerton
  • “Using the development of problem-solving and teamwork skills as predictors of student retention and course completion in science courses.” UCUR 2016, Preston Stratford
  • “Does POGIL promote problem-solving and teamwork skills?” American Chemical Society 252nd Meeting, Philadelphia, PA (2016). Preston Stratford
  • “Analysis of the copper(II) sulfate-sodium silicate “reverse chemical garden”.” American Chemical Society 248th Meeting, San Diego, CA (2016). Hayden Basinger
  • “Analysis of the copper(II) sulfate-sodium silicate “reverse chemical garden”.” American Chemical Society 248th Meeting, Denver, CO (2015). Shireen Partovi
  • “Quantifying qualitative behaviors in reverse chemical gardens.” American Chemical Society 246th Meeting, Dallas, TX (2014). Gabriel Miter
  • “Control of tube formation in reverse chemical gardens: effects of pH and metal ion.” American Chemical Society 244th Meeting, New Orleans, LA (2013). Saralyn Ogden